Bilingual Programs
World History and Geography: Medieval & Early Modern Times
Grade Level: 7, 8
Prerequisite: Students must be bilingual and biliterate in English and Spanish, and be recommended by their 6th grade teacher
Length: Two semesters
Description: This course will focus on the study of the social, cultural, and technological changes that occurred in Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Americas in the years 1200 BC – 1789 AD. A Career Education objective will be included in this course.
Science 7 (Spanish/English)
Grade Level: 7
Prerequisite: Students must be bilingual and biliterate in English and Spanish, and be recommended by their 6th grade teacher
Length: Two semesters
This course provides opportunities for students to explore concepts in life, earth and physical science. Students will be actively engaged in the investigation of topics such as the scientific process, measurement and tools of science, heredity and adaptation, electromagnetic force, gravity and kinetic energy, waves, planetary science, and family life education. Through these investigations, students will also be focusing on the crosscutting concepts of patterns, cause and effect, scale/proportion/quantity, systems and system models, energy and matter, structure and function, and stability and change.
United States History and Geography
Grade Level: 7, 8
Prerequisite: Students must be bilingual and biliterate in English and Spanish.
Length: Two semesters
Description: This course will focus on the study of the ideas, issues, and events from the founding of the nation through the Industrial Revolution. Career Education objectives will be included in this course.