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The objective of Laguna Middle School is to establish a successful educational environment.  In order to do this, students must attend school daily.

Call our 24-hour telephone message service at 805.596.4055 (option 1) to report an absence.

It is the parent's/guardian's responsibility to contact the school by 11am on the day the student is absent.  Please leave the following details when leaving a message:  

1)     The student’s name
2)     Date(s) and/or periods of absence
3)     Reason for absence
4)     Name of caller and relationship to student
5)     Daytime phone number of caller

If phone contact is not made, a note must be written by the parent/guardian giving the student’s name, date, days of absence, reason for the absence, and it must be signed by the parent/guardian and given to the Attendance Office upon returning from an absence.

First page of the PDF file: attendance_infographic2

Attendance Clerk

School Attendance Review Board (SARB)

When a child has persistent problems in school relating to truancy, attendance, or behavior, and when traditional avenues of classroom, school, or district guidance and intervention do not resolve the situation, school district and county resources are brought together to form the Student Attendance Review Board (SARB).  The purpose is to focus on the child’s needs, and to review the case, make recommendations, including possible change of school placement, and formalize referrals for programs and services, which will facilitate student success in the educational setting.